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The Eagles Tickets & Tour Dates

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Welcome to Gigsberg, your gateway to live experiences! Whether you're a fan of Eagles, we have Eagles tickets for you at Gigsberg, your ultimate event ticket destination for your favourite Eagles Túra 2025.
This season, we're excited to offer Eagles tickets for 2025. We've simplified the process to buy Eagles tickets for 2025 hogy zökkenőmentes és élvezetes Eagles concert ticket experience.
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The Eagles Tour Schedule


The Eagles band is known to be the most American rock-group. Their albums and singles have topped the hottest world charts multiple times. Their melodic country-folk and soft-rock songs literally conquered the ears and hearts of millions of people worldwide. The Eagles have shaken the audience with their 7 studio albums and live concerts. Although the band is not very active now, it has grandiose plans for 2019. The next tour starts in January 2019. The first concert is scheduled on January 18th, starring Don Felder. The group itself will perform starting February 16th in Meridian, Houston.


The Eagles’ Background


The rock band was formed in 1971. There were 4 members (Glenn Frey, Don Henley, Bernie Leadon and Randy Meisner). The band members successfully co-worked and tried different music genres. The first album to see the world was influenced by blues, the second held too much of the cowboy music. Despite the groundbreaking hits, the Eagles officially disbanded in 1982. However, the band gathered again in 1994 to record a new album “Hell Freezes Over”. The first studio album after 28 years was issued in 2007 – “The Long Road Out of Eden”. It debuted on the top of Billboard 200. In 2016, the former leader of the group died, yet the Eagles are still on the go with their classic and undying songs.


The Eagles’ Greatest Hits


RIAA considered the band to be one of the most sold bands in the history of music and the most popular after The Beatles and Led Zeppelin. Despite the continuous disputes, the Eagles have managed to record five number-one singles. The albums “Their Greatest Hits” and “Hotel California” with a song “Hotel California” were awarded with Grammy and Music Awards.