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Welcome to Gigsberg, your gateway to live experiences! Whether you're a fan of NF, we have NF tickets for you at Gigsberg, your ultimate event ticket destination for your favourite NF Túra .
This season, we're excited to offer NF tickets for . We've simplified the process to buy NF tickets for hogy zökkenőmentes és élvezetes NF concert ticket experience.
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NF may have recently gained worldwide attention for his music, but he’s been in the industry and has been successful since 2010. He’s worked on hip-hop and Christian music for most of his career. Not only does he rap well, but he also writes great songs. Part of the reason for his success is the fact that his music resonates with so many listeners.
NF’s stage name was made out of his real name, Nathan John Feuerstein. He was born in 1991 in Michigan and lived with his mother and her boyfriend. He lived in a rough household and dealt with abuse and drug use from a young age. When his mother passed away from an overdose, he lived with his father. He graduated from high school in 2009 and started creating his own music in 2010.
He was signed to Capitol CNG in 2014 and released the EP titled, NF. This was his breakthrough moment, as the EP was recognized as number 12 on Christian Albums, number 15 in top rap albums, and number four at Top Gospel Albums for Billboard’s charts. Today, his style for rapping is compared to that of Logic or Eminem.
Some of the best songs that NF wrote have reached great heights. His most popular songs include “Intro,” “Wait,” “I Just Wanna Know,” “Lie,” “Real,” “Warm Up,” and most of all “Let You Down.” This song led his music to worldwide fame and topped the charts in the U.S., Canada, and England, but also in Ireland, New Zealand, and Sweden.